The Brazilian Army is promoting the interiorization of Operation Acolhida¹, an initiative of the Brazilian government to meet the requirements of the United Nations (UN) in supporting the large migratory flow from Venezuela, due to the political, economic and social crisis in that country. This humanitarian aid provided to refugee applicants who arrive in Brazil in search of protection and assistance is based on three pillars: border planning, shelter, and internalization.

The 27th Logistical Battalion has been developing the internalization of Operation Acolhida in the following way: the Venezuelan migrants are received at the Afonso Pena International Airport, in São José dos Pinhais (PR), and are taken to the battalion’s facilities, where, after receiving food and snacks for their trip, they are accompanied to their host families, who live in several cities in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina. The 5th Military Region coordinates the whole process.

The internalization activity of Operation Acolhida has been carried out by the 27th Logistics Battalion since April 2018 and has already directly supported the conduction of approximately 5,600 Venezuelans, who were internalized in several cities in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, according to previous selection carried out by United Nations agents. These immigrants traveled more than 14,000 kilometers to their final destinations.

¹Acolhida – Welcome

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