Barueri (SP) – On August 24, the War Arsenal of São Paulo (AGSP), held the shipment of an EE-11 Urutu Armored Car adapted for use in Law and Order Operations (GLO¹), for the 13th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment. Manufactured by Engesa, and a great commercial success for the national armored equipment industry, the Urutu was originally designed to transport troops, with amphibious capacity to cross rivers and lakes.
The adaptation made gives the car greater capacity to operate in urban environments, through project modifications, such as the installation of a mechanical shovel for removing obstacles. Deliveries like these, corroborate the constant contribution and commitment of AGSP with the Brazilian Army to increase the level of combativeness and operationality of its troops throughout the National Territory.
¹GLO: acronym for Garantia da Lei e Ordem = Law and Order Guarantee