Santa Maria (RS) – Between July 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th, the Command of the 6th Armored Infantry Brigade (6th Bda Inf Bld) and its subordinate military organizations participated in Operation Armored, which had the objective of certifying the Readiness Force (FORPRON). The activity was carried out in the Santa Maria Field of Instruction, where the 6ª Bda Inf Bld (6th Armored Infantry Brigade) Center and the Command Posts of its Organic Units were deployed.
The exercise consists of a conventional war environment, requiring the Staff to plan, receive and disseminate information and orders, in response to situations created by the Exercise Management. The command posts are employed with IT resources, through the Command and Staff Training Simulator of the Command and Staff Training Center-South (CA-Sul), for the digital presentation and monitoring of scenarios. This allows the training of actions with the dynamism that would occur in real time in all the systems that make up combat.
The activity allowed the military to review doctrinal aspects, evaluate the processes used during operations, enabling the evolution of the art of war.
Source: 6th Armored Infantry Brigade Command