Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – Students of the Parachute Pathfinder The soldiers jumped from an Air Force C-105 (Amazonas) aircraft, reaching the level required to perform an infiltration by semi-automatic jump, without a materialized point on the ground. The exercises are part of the 3rd Phase of the Course – Precursor Launch, held from July 4 to 22.
The Parachute Pathfinder course is conducted by the General Penha Brasil Parachute Instruction Center. With the end of this phase, the students are able to perform aerial infiltration in hostile territory to carry out complex combat actions, landing missions, operating launching zones, aircraft and helicopter landing zones, as well as conduct air and ground fire support, among other capabilities inherent to the pathfinder specialist. Now, the students of the Parachute Forerunner Course enter the 4th phase of the Course – Pathfinder Operations.
The training had the support of the 1º/15th Aviation Group (Onça Squadron), the 1º/9th Aviation Group (Arara Squadron), the 3rd Army Aviation Battalion, and the 9th Logistics Group.
Source: CI Pqdt GPB