Barueri (SP) – On September 5, a team from the São Paulo War Arsenal (AGSP), a Unit subordinated to the Manufacturing Directorate (DF), ministered an instruction on 1st level maintenance (operator level) of the 105mm M56 OTO Melara gunboat for soldiers from the 2nd Field Artillery Group (GAC) in Itu-SP. This instruction concludes the activities of specific technical support to the Group, which also included maintenance actions on the gun’s cylinders and on the Optical Instruments of Direction and Control of Shooting (IODCT).
The Brazilian Army’s logistics doctrine organizes maintenance in four levels or echelons. The AGSP is responsible for the industrial level (4th level) maintenance of the OTO Melara shell. Due to its capacity and industrial readiness, the Arsenal collaborates actively with the other levels, providing technical assistance to the Regional Parks (3rd level), Logistic Battalions (2nd level) and to the military organizations that own the material (1st level).
Although relatively simpler than the other echelons, the maintenance performed by the material’s owner is of vital importance, mainly due to its preventive approach. When well performed, 1st level maintenance contributes significantly to troop operationality, providing greater availability and reliability of the material.
Source: War Arsenal of São Paulo