Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – From August 30 to September 3, the Parachute Precursor Course of the General Penha Brasil Parachute Training Center (CI Pqdt GPB), with the support of the Army Aviation Training Center and the 2nd Army Aviation Battalion, conducted the Aeromobile Operations Internship and School Exercise: Operation Mantiqueira, in Taubaté (SP).
The Precursor Course, through aerial navigation, infiltrated territory under enemy control, employing the fast rope and rappel landing technique, to operate a helicopter landing zone, in support of an aeromobile task force. After the operation, students from the 22/1 Parachute Precursor Course performed an aerial exfiltration of hostile territory.
The activity trains the capabilities of the paratrooper precursor, who is able to operate a day and night helicopter landing zone, planning different types of beacons, for the landing of a surface force.
Source: Paratrooper Instruction Center General Penha Brasil