From April 25 to May 27, the 28th Mechanized Infantry Battalion, through the Urban Operations Training Center (CIOU), conducted the Training Course on the Law and Order Guarantee Operations (Garantia da Lei e Ordem – GLO acronym in used by the Brazilian Armed Forces) for sergeants.
Twenty-six sergeants from several Army military organizations participated in the course. With a course load of 175 hours and a duration of five weeks, the he Law and Order Guarantee Operations Internship included instruction in crisis management and negotiation; area control; combat in confined spaces; disturbance control; less-lethal technology; general instruction; weapons, ammunition, and shooting; military self-defense; and first aid in combat.
The last week of the internship included the Operations Phase, a field exercise in which the trainees put into practice the knowledge they had acquired over the weeks of instruction. The Law and Order Guarantee Operations Internship had the objective of updating and standardizing the techniques, tactics, and procedures to be used in the employment of small fractions, platoons, and combat groups in Law and Order operations.
Source: 28th Mechanized Infantry Battalion – Exército Brasileiro