The 5th Logistics Battalion was certified by the South Training Center (Centro de Adestramento Sul – CA-Sul) in the live simulation of the Readiness Force (FORPRON) 2022 during May 10 to 23. The activities took place at Campo de Instrução General Calasanz (CIGC), in Ponta Grossa/PR.
The Battalion was involved in maintenance, ensuring the availability of the 5th Armored Cavalry Brigade’s vehicle fleet with 43 work orders, supporting with transportation and Class I supplies, ensuring the safety of the military with medical teams, and providing fuel for all vehicles during the exercise.
Mobilizing 26 vehicles and 105 military personnel from the 5th B Log, the Military Simulation is the reproduction of situations pertinent to conventional combat with the use of the armored troop of maneuver elements and combat support.
During the certification, the highlight was the unprecedented exchange of the power pack of a Gepard 1A2 Armored Vehicle in the field, in operations. This operation demands high technical knowledge and capacity from the armored maintenance team. The whole activity took about 01:20 h, with the armored vehicle returning for the exercise.
The troops that make up FORPRON are able to carry out any mission in the national territory, as well as, by order, act as an expeditionary force, or even a Peacekeeping Force.
Fonte: 5º Batalhão Logístico – Crédito: Ten Albuquerque, 3° Sgt Amarante e 3° Sgt Daniele *** English version by DEFCONPress Team***