Crédito: ST Ednei e Cb BowlevardCrédito: ST Ednei e Cb Bowlevard

Marabá (PA) – The Readiness Force of the 23rd Jungle Infantry Brigade (23rd Bda Inf Sl) held its Operational Readiness, on July 25, to check the conditions of its troop and its equipment, weapons and vehicles before the execution of the Live Simulation, the final stage of its certification.

More than a thousand military personnel went into operational readiness in the 52nd Jungle Infantry Battalion’s formatting courtyard. Men and women that make up the various fractions that make up the 52nd BIS (Jungle Infantry Battalion) Task Force, with capabilities represented by all combat functions: Jungle Marine Companies, Jungle Cavalry Platoon, Oboe Battery, Anti-Aircraft Section, Engineering Platoon, Communications Platoon, Logistical Detachment, Reconnaissance and Surveillance Group, Command Company, and Army Police Platoon.

In all, more than 220 vehicles, 54 boats and two H225M Jaguar aircraft, new acquisitions of the Northern Military Command, will be used in the context of the exercise, greatly increasing the Task Force’s capacity to act.

The Task Force 52 BIS will also rely on the nationally manufactured SABER M60 radar during the execution of its combat missions, which is capable of detecting hostile aircraft and other low-altitude targets up to 60 kilometers away.

The Northern Military Commander, Army General João Chalella Junior followed the Operational Readiness closely, talking to the military of the fractions. “The capabilities that we lacked, which were anti-aircraft artillery and military intelligence, were supplied by the 11th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group from Brasilia and the 6th Military Intelligence Battalion from Campo Grande. I was very pleased, because I saw a troop ready, equipped, and more than that, trained to be employed anywhere in the national territory,” he said.

The Operational Ready Ready was also attended by military personnel from the Land Operations Command and from the East Training Center, who were able to learn more about the Brazilian Army’s ready-response capacity in Amazon territory.

During the week, the troops will simulate offensive and defensive operations in the region of the cities of Itupiranga and Parauapebas, in the Serra de Carajás. All the activity will be monitored and will take place according to safety standards.

Operational Readiness

The Operational Readiness System was created with the objective of keeping troops in a permanent state of operational readiness, which, once certified, will be in conditions to be activated to act in a defined area, within a determined period of time, with priority in actions related to homeland defense.

The Marechal Soares de Andrea Brigade was selected to be part of the Operational Readiness System, as one of its Readiness Forces in the Eastern Amazon.

In this 2022 readiness cycle, fractions of all the military organizations subordinated to the 23rd Jungle Infantry Brigade are being certified.

Photos: ST Ednei, Cb Bowlevard – Source: 23rd Jungle Infantry Brigade *** Translated by the DEFCONPress Team ***
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