On June 8th, at the River Terminal, the 16th Jungle Infantry Brigade (16th Bda Inf Sl) – Brigada das Missões* – began its deployment for Operation Amazon, which brings together troops from Brigades subordinate to the Amazon Military Command, in a collaborative effort to guarantee sovereignty in the region.
The Commander of the Brigada das Missões , Brigadier General Marcius Cardoso Netto, addressed the troops at the beginning of the activity, highlighting the commitment to the mission received and the dedication that must be demonstrated at all times. He emphasized that such conduct reveres the legacy of the olive green uniform, besides showing the preparation of the troops of the 16th Bda Inf Sl to fulfill the missions assigned to them, and wished success to the troop that was the precursor of the exercise and divine protection at all times.
*Mission’s Brigade
On November 11, 1971, by decree of the President of the Republic, Gen Ex Emílio Garrastazu Médici, the 1st Border Group (1º Gpt Fron) was created, headquartered in the city of Cruz Alta-RS, and transferred to the city of Santo Ângelo-RS, in 1972.
On December 16, 1980, the 1st Frontier Group was extinct and the 16th Motorized Infantry Brigade (16th Bda Inf Mtz) was created, subordinated to the 3rd Army Division (Santa Maria-RS). In 1992, the 16th Bda Inf Mtz included the following military units: 8th BIMtz (Santa Cruz do Sul), 17th BI (Cruz Alta), 61st BIMtz (Santo Ângelo), 16th Esqd C Mec (Passo Fundo), the 27th GAC and the Cia Cmdo (Santo Ângelo). Receiving the name of Mission’s Brigade in reference to the place of its creation and headquarters of its command.
The as Missiões (the missions) were Indian settlements established and administered by Jesuit priests in colonial Brazil between the 16th and 18th centuries. The main objective was to catechize the Indians.
On March 30, 1992, Ministerial Notice No. 02-Reserved triggered the process of transferring the Brigade to the Amazon Region.