The Weapons Sergeants School (ESA), located in the city of Três Corações, MG, is the Army’s military teaching establishment responsible for selecting and preparing young people for entry into the Sergeants’ Training and Graduation Course.
The competition consists of an intellectual exam, a health inspection, a physical fitness exam, a psychological exam and proof of biographical requirements and hetero-identification for candidates who choose to compete in the system of reserving places for black and brown people.
If the candidate passes all the stages of the competition, he or she is enrolled and becomes an active military member of the Brazilian Army, as a 1st year student on the Sergeants’ Training and Graduation Course at the various Army Technological School Units (UETE) throughout Brazil. If you successfully complete the 1st year, you will go on to the Weapons Sergeants School (ESA); the Logistics Sergeants School (EsSLog), in Rio de Janeiro-RJ; or the Army Aviation Instruction Center (CIAvEx), in the city of Taubaté-SP, depending on the specialty you choose.
After completing the 2nd year of the course, you will be declared a 3rd Sergeant in the Brazilian Army. On October 8, 2023, the Weapons Sergeants’ School will hold the Admission Contest for the Sergeants’ Undergraduate Training Course (CA/CFGS24/25).
With a total of 116,716 applicants, the competition will take place in various Military Examination Headquarters Organizations (OMSE) throughout the country.
The competition for the vacancies is distributed as follows:
The access gates (or similar) to the exam site will close at 12 noon (Brasília time) and the INTELLECTUAL EXAMINATION (EI) will be held from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Brasília time).
Questions: or +55 (35) 3239-4010.
Social Communication – Weapons Sergeants School