The coordination and liaison team of Exercise CORE 22 (Combined Operation and Rotation Exercises 22) is holding the Rotation Logistics Conference from June 27 to July 1. In this activity, planning takes place for the combined training between the troops of the 12th Light Infantry Brigade (Aeromobile) and the military of the 3rd Air Assault Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division, of the United States of America (US Army), to take place in August of this year, at the US Army Joint Readiness and Training Center (JRTC), at Fort Polk.
Headed by Colonel Alessandro Paiva de Pinho, from the Land Operations Command (COTER), the team performs the last coordination and recognition for the combined exercise and counts on representatives from COTER, Logistics Command (COLOG), General Staff Department (DGP) Army Social Communication Center (CCOMSEx), 2nd Army Division Command (2nd DE), Special Operations Command (CopEsp), the 12th Airborne Light Infantry Brigade (12th Bda Inf L (Amv)) and the Brazilian liaison officer with the 101st Airborne Assault Division.
Exercise CORE
Exercise CORE is the result of a cooperation program signed between Brazil and the USA, which stipulated the execution of annual bilateral exercises until the year 2028. Through these activities, troops from both countries share combat experiences and exchange knowledge about doctrine, tactics, techniques, and operational procedures. The exercise also aims to contribute to the training of the Readiness Forces (FORPRON) and to the improvement of the Land Force Operational Readiness System (SISPRON) of the Brazilian Army.
Source: COTER