Taurus, a Strategic Defense Company and one of the world’s main manufacturers of arms, participated as a supporter and exhibitor in Weapons Materiel Week 2022, held by the Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (AMAN), from October 11 to 13, in Resende (RJ).
On the occasion, the officers of the Brazilian Army’s (EB) Armed Material Board were able to check out the exhibition of weapons aimed at the defense and security segments, which make up the wide portfolio of Taurus products, including: the GX4 Graphene, the world’s first gun with graphene and which marked the beginning of the 3rd generation of pistols; the G3 T. O.O.R.O (Taurus Optic Ready Option) pistols and the compact G3c T.O.R.O, both versions of which allow them to receive Red Dot optical sights; the TX22 pistol that won the Handgun of the Year 2019 award, from the North American magazine GUNS & AMMO, and is considered the most advanced .22 LR caliber pistol on the market. And the 1911 pistols in 9mm, TS9 and PT 92 versions.
In the line of revolvers on display at the event, highlights include the classic Taurus RT 605 caliber .357 Magnum; the innovative Tracker 692, a double-action multi-caliber revolver, which gives the option to use two different calibers in a single gun (the .357 Magnum and the 9mm, the same used in pistols); and the award-winning Taurus Raging Hunter RT357H revolver, chosen by editors and the American Hunter team, from NRA Publications, as the American Hunter Handgun of the Year 2019. In the tactical weapons line, Taurus exhibited the CTT40 model carbine, in addition to the renowned T4 5.56mm rifle and the recently launched T4 300 BLK with a 9″ barrel.
Furthermore, during Armed Material Week 2022, the military participated in a shooting competition, in which Taurus, in yet another initiative to encourage sports, supported and offered technical support, provided five weapons of the brand for the competitors to use on the occasion, and also awarded the first three places with a Taurus G3 T.O.R.O. pistol. The event also had the support of Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchos (CBC), a Strategic Defense Company and one of the main manufacturers of ammunition and long weapons in the world.
*** Translated by the DEFCONPress FYI Team***