Nexter, the leading French land defense company, signed a teaming agreement with International
Golden Group, the leading supplier of the UAE Armed forces, to prepare the modernisation of the UAE
Army’s Leclerc main battle tank (MBT). International Golden Group (IGG) and Nexter have established
a long-term relationship since 2006 via a “Cooperation Agreement”. This teaming agreement is a new
step towards a reinforcement of the links between our both companies.
Nexter and the UAE: 30 years of partnership
Nexter is a historical partner of the UAE armed forces since the acquisition of 436 Leclerc MBT. As the
responsible for the support of the Leclerc fleet, Nexter established a long-term relation with the UAE.
Today, the group is actively working on the localisation of industrial activities. The aim of this
partnership is the modernization of the Leclerc MBT that will ensure the operational superiority of the
UAE armed forces for the next 30 years