Santa Maria (RS) – From October 4th to 7th, the Organic Units of the 6th Armored Infantry Brigade (6th Bda Inf Bld) “Brigada Niederauer” received a visit from military personnel from the Armored School of the Paraguayan Army. The delegation was received at the 6th Bld Inf Bld, where they watched a lecture about the general characteristics of the work developed by the military organizations of this Grand Unit.
At the 1st Combat Car Regiment (1st RCC) the delegation visited the facilities of the Squadrons and the Armored Training Section, where they had the opportunity to see the Leopard 1 A5 BR Armored Combat Vehicle and observe the work developed by the “Regiment Vanguardeiro” with the simulators used in the training of military personnel and in the certification of the Combat Car garrisons.
At the 6th Battery of Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Artillery (6th Battery AAAe AP), the military of that friendly nation were introduced to the Gepard 1 A2 Armored Anti-Aircraft Combat Vehicle (VBC AAe), where they learned about the characteristics, capabilities and employment doctrine of this vehicle. They also visited the Pavilion and Simulation Cabins of the VBC AAe Gepard 1 A2, responsible for training the Seç AAAe AP and the Armored Maintenance Pavilion.
At the 6th Mechanized Cavalry Squadron, the personnel participated in instructions on that subunit, with emphasis on the Guarani Armored Personnel Carrier (VBTP). They participated in a simulated exercise in the Armored Training Section and in a navigation demonstration of the Guarani VBTP conducted by the Armored Training Center.
The activities were an opportunity to present the work developed by the 6th Brigade and subordinate military organizations, as well as to strengthen professional and friendship ties between members of the Brazilian Army and the Paraguayan Army.
3rd Motorized Infantry Brigade receives a visit from the Paraguayan Army
Ipameri (GO) – On October 5th, the 23rd Combat Engineering Company (23rd Eng Cmb), headquartered in Ipameri, received a visit from the Paraguayan Army, headed by Brigadier General Erico Javier Oviedo Cáceres, Commander of the Paraguayan Army Engineering (COMIGE).
The visit, coordinated by the Department of Engineering and Construction (DEC), is part of the activities agreed upon in the XI CBEM (XI CBEM) between Brazil and Paraguay. On the occasion, the delegation from the Friendly Nation was received by Brigadier General Marcus Augusto da Silva Néto, Commander of the 3rd Motorized Infantry Brigade (3rd Bda Inf Mtz), accompanied by Major Bruno Marcos Gibson, Commander of the 23rd Cia Eng Cmb, and participated in a military organization graduation.
Also as part of the activities, General Oviedo was introduced to the characteristics, possibilities, and peculiarities of the Combat Engineering activities belonging to a large unit of the Brazilian Army. At the end, the delegation had the opportunity to visit the facilities of the military organization and check the deployment of the means and materials of the Engineering Company.
*** Translated by the DEFCONPress FYI Team ***