Brasília (DF) – On October 10, the Brazilian Army General Staff (EME), through the Center for Strategic Studies (CEEEx), held the panel “Leadership and ethics from a strategic perspective: lessons from contemporary conflicts,” at the Army General Headquarters (QGEx).
The panel aimed to share reflections and experiences related to today’s armed conflicts, focusing on the Human Dimension, in order to contribute to the implementation and development of the guidelines contained in the Brazilian Army Operational Concept Fundamentals Manual – Convergence Operations 2040.
The activity was held in a hybrid format and included the participation of two foreign panelists: John Thomas, President of the International Society of Military Ethics in Europe, and Ruben Stewart, Armed Forces and Armed Groups Advisor at the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva.
The event was opened by Brigadier General Fernando Bartholomeu Fernandes, 7th Deputy Chief, and was also attended by Lieutenant General Otávio Santana do Rêgo Barros, CEEEx analysts, researchers from the Center for Prospective Studies and members of the Capabilities Management Section. Representatives from various bodies also took part: Department of Education and Culture of the Army (DECEx), General Department of Personnel (DGP), Department of Science and Technology (DCT), Land Operations Command (COTER), Center for Personnel Studies (CEP) and Center for Applied Psychology of the Army (CPAEx), as well as a representative of the Ministry of Defense’s Head of Education and Culture, who contributed to the debates on the subject.
The panel addressed the emerging challenges of exercising leadership and ethical decision-making in the face of the complexity of current conflicts, from a strategic perspective, taking into account aspects such as the growing use of technology, generational differences and the possibilities for action by commanders at different levels. The panel was moderated by Lieutenant Colonel Daniela Schmitz Wortmeyer, a CEEEx analyst.
Source: 7th Sub-Chief of the Army General Staff