Rondonópolis (MT) – The 18th Field Artillery Group (18th GAC) participated, from November 6th to 10th, in Operation Santa Barbara do Oeste 2, which took place in its field of instruction.
The exercise was planned and carried out by the Operations Coordination Center of the Western Military Command (CCOp/CMO) and included the participation of a firing battery from the 9th Field Artillery Group (9th GAC), members of the 6th Military Intelligence Battalion and the 3rd Army Aviation Battalion, as well as organic military organizations from the 4th Mechanized Cavalry Brigade.
The activity’s objectives were to perform the Unit Basic Training Period (PAB/U), with the execution of real artillery fire, to form a group-group (9th GAC and 18th GAC) and to train observers from any weapon in the conduct of artillery fire.
The activities were accompanied by: the CCOp/CMO Chief, Brigadier General Jorge Augusto Ribeiro Cacho; the Army Artillery Commander, Brigadier General Moisés da Paixão Júnior; the Divisionary Artillery Commander of the 5th Army Division, Brigadier General Ricardo Santos Taranto; and the Commander of the 13th Motorized Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General Kurt Everton Werberich.
At the end, a post-action analysis was carried out, a tool for improving procedures and mapping opportunities for improvement. Source: 18th Field Artillery Group