Ukraine's Leopard 2 tanks prove their resilienceUkraine's Leopard 2 tanks prove their resilience

Small loss of tanks

Ukraine has lost a surprisingly small number of Leopard 2 tanks since it launched its long-awaited counter-offensive to retake the territories occupied by Russian troops.

Only 5 out of 71 Leopard 2 tanks have been lost

According to Forbes, statistics gathered by the Dutch open-source intelligence company Oryx, showed the loss of only five of the 71 Leopard 2 tanks in the country led by Zelensky.

Counting losses

Oryx has been counting Russian and Ukrainian losses in the conflict since the beginning of the war and only confirms a loss when there is image or video documentation.

Could suffer a lot of damage

In an article published in Forbes, journalist David Axe explained that Germany’s Leopard 2 tanks could sustain a lot of damage before needing repairs.

A very important weapon

On the other hand, at least 10 other Leopard 2 tanks suffered serious damage and were sent for repair to facilities in Germany or Poland.

Brutal battles in the south

This allowed the Ukrainian forces to use them in their brutal battles in the south and then quickly send them for repairs in order to have them back for the next big attack.

Fundamental resistance

“The 69-ton Leopard 2’s fundamental endurance means that the tanks can suffer damage, visit a repair depot, return to combat and suffer damage again,” explained Axe.


The battle-damaged tanks would then leave for new repairs. “And so on,” said Axe.

Keeping crews alive

The robustness of the Leopard 2 not only benefits Ukraine’s ability to keep tanks available, but also helps keep its crews alive to fight another day.

Escaping before the explosion

According to the same Forbes article, the crews of all five destroyed Leopard 2 tanks managed to escape before the machines “burned or exploded”.

20 lives saved

In total, 20 soldiers were saved with their knowledge of how to use the Leopard 2 in real combat circumstances.

Leopard 2’s first defeat

Russia claimed to have destroyed its first Leopard 2 at the beginning of June, during an attack by Ukrainian forces in the Novopokrovka area of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

On fire in a field

Video footage released by the Russian Defense Ministry showed the tank on fire in a field surrounded by other vehicles.

Three more Leopard losses

Ukraine lost three Leopard 2 tanks during a disastrous attack in a minefield south of Mala Tokmachka, Forbes reported on June 8.

No more losses

Since then, Ukraine has lost just one more Leopard 2, proving the vehicle’s build quality.

*** Translated by DEFCONPress FYI Team ***

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