Students and professionals visit the Brazilian Army's Sergeants of Arms SchoolStudents and professionals visit the Brazilian Army's Sergeants of Arms School

Três Corações (MG) – On November 9 and 10, 2023, academics and professionals from the south of Minas Gerais took part in the Get to Know Your Army Program at the Sergeants of Arms School (ESA). Twenty-two people took part, including students, digital influencers, journalists and members of the Military Police, Civil Police, Fire Brigade and the Minas Gerais Court of Justice. They took part in intense activities during a day and a half of immersion in the military universe.

The activities began with a reception for the participants by the ESA Commander, Brigadier General Reinaldo Salgado Beato, who gave a talk about the Army, the Sergeants’ School and the Know Your Army Program. The National Pavilion and state flags were then raised to the sound of the Brazilian National Anthem. The activity allowed the civilians to experience a little of the military values of valuing the Homeland.

Transport in the Guarani armored vehicle was one of the highlights of the activity. The visitors were able to see the personnel carrier used by the troops. The guests also undertook river transportation on the waters of the Verde River and crossed the footbridge built by Military Engineering. They were also able to learn more about the Army Police during the presentation of the war dogs, with a demonstration of how the dogs work in riot control situations.

According to the Deputy of the Civil Police of Minas Gerais, Dr. Otávio Machado Lacerda, “the efficiency of the activities only reinforces the faith and trust in the Brazilian Army, as an institution that guarantees the State and provides social peace”.

On the first day, the participants visited the Cultural Space and its collection on the Brazilian Expeditionary Force. During the evening, they received practical instruction in night vision goggles, where they were able to recognize an environment and identify objects in total darkness. They also experienced the context of tactical maneuvering in the field, represented by sand caissons. The participants were asked to solve a simulated military problem, leading their avatars to carry out a fictitious United Nations mission.

At dinner, the operational ration surprised everyone, as they had no idea how troops are fed in combat situations.

The next day, dawn brought the realism of military activities and led the civilians to the Moacir Araújo Lopes Training Camp. Embarked in our 5 Ton vehicles, the participants witnessed the end of the instruction given to the students of the Weapons Sergeants School during the school maneuver Operation Carcará Hawk. On the ground, they witnessed the action of the Gavião Detachment and the Coordinated Attack exercise, which they had seen in the instructions and on the simulators.

Digital influencer Juliana Souza Cardoso Naves commented on her immersion in the Sergeants’ School. “Taking part in the maneuver alongside the military was an experience I never imagined I would have the chance to live. It changed the way I see the Army. I’m very proud.”

At the end of the activities, the ESA Commander handed out certificates of participation and an institutional coin from the School, sealing the bonds of friendship built during the Program.

For Bianca Figueiredo Cruz, a student at the Varginha Law School, “the Get to Know Your Army Program is a unique opportunity for citizens to understand and appreciate the vital role of the Armed Forces, fostering a deeper understanding and mutual respect”.

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