Operation Yanomami Shield is launched by the FAB in RoraimaOperation Yanomami Shield is launched by the FAB in Roraima

Air Defense Identification Zone will be created in Yanomami territory

Air Force Agency,by Lt Wanessa Liz/Asp Vieira

Based on Presidential Decree No. 11,405, of January 30, 2023, the Brazilian Air Force will activate an Air Defense Identification Zone (ZIDA) in the airspace of the northern region of the country. The measure aims to increase Air Defense capacity in an area that includes the Yanomami Indigenous Land and surrounding areas, contributing to the fight against illegal mining in Roraima (RR).

According to the device, the ZIDA is composed of: a reserved area (White Area); a restricted area (Yellow Area); and a prohibited area (Red Area), being up to the Aeronautics Command to adopt Airspace Control Measures against all types of suspicious air traffic, as provided in the Brazilian Aeronautics Code. It is worth noting that in the Red Area, only aircraft involved in Operation Yanomami Shield 2023 will be authorized.

Aircraft that do not comply with the rules established in the areas determined by the Air Force, will be subject to Airspace Policing Measures (MPEA).

The Aerospace Operations Command (COMAE) is responsible for the planning, coordination and execution of Air Force Actions focused on the Aerospace Control Task during Operation Yanomami Shield 2023, conducting the necessary aerial means for the identification, coercion or detention of traffic flying in the area of interest.

The Brazilian Air Force also plans to install a TPS-B34 radar model, which can be airborne from Santa Maria (RS), in order to increase air defense capability, thus reinforcing detection and control power. The E-99 and R-99 radar aircrafts are already in the region and the Air Defense alert of Boa Vista has been reinforced.

Decree No. 11,405, January 30, 2023

In general terms, the Decree provides for measures to address the Public Health Emergency of National Importance and to combat illegal mining in Yanomami territory to be adopted by agencies of the federal administration.

According to the document, the Ministers of State of Defense, Health, Social Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger and Indigenous Peoples are authorized to make the necessary requests for goods, personnel and services: the transport of security, health and assistance teams; the supply of drinking water, the allocation of cisterns and the drilling of artesian wells; the supply of food related to indigenous culture, beliefs and traditions; the supply of clothing, footwear and other similar items; and the opening or reopening of support posts of the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (Funai) and basic health units of the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Defense will provide intelligence data and logistical air transport for the teams from the Federal Police, Ibama and other federal government agencies and entities that will participate directly in neutralizing aircraft and equipment related to illegal mining in Yanomami territory.

The access of people to Yanomami territory will occur in accordance with the provisions of a joint act edited by the Minister of State of Health and the Minister of State of Indigenous Peoples, with a view to preventing and reducing the risk of transmission of diseases and other illnesses.

A reserved area (Área Branca – White Area); a restricted area (Área Amarela -Y ellow Area); and a prohibited area (Área Vermelha – Red Area)

*** Translated by the DEFCONPress FYI team ***


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