Public Company is the result of the Infraero spin-off and is linked to the Ministry of Defense, through the Aeronautics Command
Air Force Agency, by Aspirant Eniele Santos
With positive results and providing dividends to the Federal Government, NAV Brasil Serviços de Navegação Aérea, or just NAV Brasil, completes one year of creation. Formed in June 2021, from a partial spin-off of the Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company (Infraero), from which it received all the assets and personnel allocated to the provision of Air Navigation Services, NAV Brasil’s corporate purpose is to implement, manage, operate and exploit industrially and commercially the aeronautical infrastructure for the provision of air navigation services assigned to it by the Aeronautical Commander.
The company was created under the sine qua non condition of being established as “Non Dependent” on resources from the National Treasury and concluded the year 2021 with a positive balance, expecting to repeat the feat by the end of the first semester of this year.
Today, it has about 1. 640 employees, distributed in 44 locations, in which it provides the so-called Air Navigation Services, through Control Towers, such as those at the airports of Guarulhos, Santos Dumont, Vitória, Goiânia and Campinas, or through Radiocommunication Stations, This represents about 12% of the Brazilian Airspace Control System (approximately 85% is in charge of the Aeronautics Command, through the Airspace Control Department – DECEA).
For the company’s President, Air Major José Pompeu dos Magalhães Brasil Filho, NAV Brasil shows development potential for the coming years. “Considering the professionalism and efficiency shown by the team in this first year, I believe that we will continue to evolve at an increasingly intense pace. I am sure that, in addition to the quality, efficiency and safety of the services it provides to society, NAV Brasil will also be recognized for its vocation to modernity, for its governance and transparency,” he said.