Representatives from the Ministry of Defense will participate, on May 19 and 20, in the 2nd edition of SC Expo Defense – Fair of Technologies and Defense Products, at the Florianópolis Air Base, in Santa Catarina.
The event reinforces the importance of the development of the Defense sector, which, besides the technological and productive aspects of the Armed Forces, ensures the country’s sovereignty.
At the Ministry of Defense booth, the participants will be able to learn more about the Ministry’s actions in favor of the Brazilian national defense industry, through the Secretariat of Defense Products (SEPROD).
On the occasion, the Navy, Army and Air Force will present their strategic projects, with emphasis on the role of the Defense Industrial Base (BID).
The Naval Force will exhibit vessels and aircraft, as well as prototypes of the Tamandaré Class Frigate, one of the most modern naval projects with high combat power.
It will also present a scale model of the first Brazilian Nuclear Propulsion Submarine (SN-BR), “Álvaro Alberto”. The SN-BR is part of the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB), which will provide the Brazilian defense industry with state-of-the-art nuclear technology.
PROSUB also includes four other Brazilian conventional submarines. The visitors will see the Guarani armored vehicles and the new armaments of the ASTROS 2020 system, Earthforce projects.
The Guarani is equipped with weapons, command and control, and communications systems, allowing it to act in a broad spectrum of conflicts.
About 90% of the components used in its manufacture are of national origin. The ASTROS 2020 is a project to manufacture multiple long-range, high-precision rocket launchers.
The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) presentation includes the KC-390 Millennium, the largest military aircraft ever produced in Brazil, with the capacity to transport troops and cargo, refuel other aircraft in flight, perform aeromedical evacuation, launch paratroopers and fight fires. In addition, visitors will be able to see a life-size replica of the new F-39 Gripen multi-mission fighter jet, used in air defense, attack and reconnaissance.
Those interested will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the System for Registration of Defense Products and Companies (SISCAPED), which is the system that manages the accreditation process for Defense Companies (ED) and Strategic Defense Companies (EED), as well as the classification of Defense Products (PRODE) and Strategic Defense Products (PED).
The 2nd SC Expo Defense is coordinated by the Defense Industry Committee (COMDEFESA), in partnership with the Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina (FIESC) and the Air Force Staff (EMAER). The fair’s program includes business rounds and symposiums, to discuss the segment’s challenges and business opportunities at a national and international level. The event brings together professionals from the segment, civil and military authorities, government representatives, and academia.
Photos: MD – English version by Defconpress