Joint Note to the Military Commands - To the Institutions and to the Brazilian PeopleJoint Note to the Military Commands - To the Institutions and to the Brazilian People

To the Brazilian Institutions and People

Regarding the popular demonstrations that have been occurring in countless places in the country, the Brazilian Navy, the Brazilian Army and the Brazilian Air Force reaffirm their unrestricted and unwavering commitment to the Brazilian People, to democracy and to Brazil’s political and social harmony, ratified by the values and traditions of the Armed Forces, always present and moderating the most important moments in our history.

The Federal Constitution establishes the duties and rights to be observed by all Brazilians and that must be ensured by the Institutions, especially regarding the free manifestation of thought; freedom of assembly, peacefully; and freedom of locomotion in the national territory.

In this aspect, when regulating provisions of the constitutional text, through Law No. 14,197, of September 1, 2021, the Brazilian Parliament was quite clear in establishing that: “It does not constitute a crime […] the manifestation critical to the constitutional powers nor the journalistic activity or the claim of constitutional rights and guarantees, by means of marches, meetings, strikes, agglomerations or any other form of political manifestation with social purposes.

Thus, both eventual restrictions to rights, by public agents, and eventual excesses committed in demonstrations that may restrict individual and collective rights or put public safety at risk, as well as any actions, by individuals or public or private entities, that feed disharmony in society, are condemnable.

The solution to possible controversies within society must make use of the legal instruments of the democratic rule of law. As an essential way to reestablish and maintain social peace, it is up to the authorities of the Republic, instituted by the People, to exercise the power that “emanates from Him”, to immediately attend to all legal and legitimate demands of the population, as well as to strictly observe the attributions and limits of their competencies, under the terms of the Federal Constitution and the legislation.

In the same way, we reiterate our belief in the importance of the independence of the Powers, particularly the Legislative, House of the People, natural recipient of the desires and demands of the population, on behalf of which it legislates and acts, always seeking to correct possible arbitrariness or autocratic mistakes that may put at risk the greatest good of our society, which is its Freedom.

The construction of a true Democracy presupposes the cult of tolerance, order, and social peace. The Armed Forces remain vigilant, attentive, and focused on their constitutional role in guaranteeing our Sovereignty, Order, and Progress, always in defense of our People.

Thus, we have excelled in Legality, Legitimacy and Stability, transmitting to our subordinates serenity, confidence in the chain of command, cohesion and patriotism. The focus will continue to be kept on the tireless fulfillment of the noble missions of Brazilian Soldiers, having as pillars of our convictions the Faith in Brazil and in its peaceful and admirable People.

Brasília/DF, November 11, 2022.

Commander of the Navy

Commander of the Army

Commander of the Air Force

*** Translated by the DEFCONPressFYI team ***

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