Captain Jurandyr – Air Force Agency
On July 20th, the Campo Grande Air Base (BACG) signed a partnership with the company Energisa-MS, a power distribution utility in Mato Grosso do Sul. This agreement is part of the Energy Efficiency Program (PEE) of the Aeronautics Command (COMAER), which aims to reduce the consumption and costs of electricity, by improving the efficiency of the equipment installed, as well as the generation of renewable energy.
BACG Commander, Air Brigadier Clauco Fernando Vieira Rossetto, accompanied by Aspirant Alisson Da Guarda, met with Energisa’s Commercial Area Manager, Helier Fioravanti, and the energy efficiency area analyst, Valdemir Lima, to sign the Adhesion Agreement. After the final adjustments, the document was signed by Brigadier Rossetto and by the CEO of Energisa-MS, Marcelo Vinhaes.
The basic project includes the acquisition and replacement of 170 LED light fixtures/reflectors, in addition to the replacement of low-yield air-conditioning units with more efficient ones, bearing the Procel Seal for Energy Savings, which will provide energy savings of approximately 267 MWh per year for the Air Force. The financial resources that will be invested in the project come from the PEE of the utility, regulated by the National Agency of Electrical Energy (ANEEL), as provided by Law 9.991, of July 24, 2000.
Notwithstanding the initial terms of the partnership, in order to maintain the good relationship and close ties, both representatives of Energisa-MS made themselves available to the Air Base to overcome any challenge related to the issue, whether in the internal daily improvements or in cases of increased energy demands, such as during Operational Exercises, a time when there is relevant energy consumption in the BACG.
In his analysis, Brigadier Rossetto understands the current movement of both parties as timely and essential for the regional and national society. “We are fulfilling our constitutional duty and showing the importance of zeal with public money, through greater economy and energy efficiency,” he said.
CEO Marcelo Vinhaes explained that the elaboration of an energy diagnosis is fundamental to evaluate the viability of the execution of the energy efficiency project in the institutions. “The partnership guarantees more savings and safety for the corporation’s electrical installations; therefore, financial resources can be reallocated to other departments in the military organization. We are happy to contribute to the Capital Air Base,” he said.
Photos: Energisa-MS. *** Translated by the DEFCONPress team ***