The Northern Border Program (PCN), of the Ministry of Defense (MD), started on June 19th the inspection of 40 infrastructure projects in the northern region of the country. The work will continue until June 24, in 16 municipalities in Acre and four in Amazonas. The investments total R$ 24 million. In the inspections, the MD’s technical teams check that all the undertakings are in accordance with the projects. Engineers, technicians and supervisors analyze all the projects in person.
In the state of Acre, the projects are located in the municipalities of Rio Branco, Cruzeiro do Sul, Brasiléia, Plácido de Castro, Tarauacá, Senador Guiomard, Epitaciolândia, Porto Walter, Porto Acre, Xapuri, Rodrigues Alves, Sena Madureira, Acrelândia, Jordão, Mancio Lima, and Santa Rosa do Purus. In Amazonas, the municipalities are Boca do Acre, Eirunepé, Itamarati, Guajará and Ipixuna.
Inspection – Among other areas, the following constructions will be inspected: multi-sports courts, bleachers, and lighting in the municipal soccer field, library, administrative center, sidewalks with curbs and gutters in paved roads, elementary school, indigenous living space, and covered market.
For the Director of the Calha Norte Program (PCN), General Ubiratan Poty, this is an important phase in the process of signing, following up, and inspecting the projects. The General also points out that the works in more isolated regions of the country have generated benefits for the population. “A ramp on a riverbank facilitates access for people who use boats, either to load or unload materials. This makes a difference in the riverside community”, he highlights.
Mission – The Northern Border Program covers 619 municipalities in 10 states. In the development aspect, the initiative prioritizes infrastructure works in small municipalities, with very low or low human development index, far from urban centers, contributing to the development and integration of the Legal Amazon. The mission of the Ministry of Defense, through Calha Norte, is to contribute to the maintenance of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the promotion of orderly and sustainable development in its area of operation.
In the last five years, the Northern Border Program has signed 384 agreements with the State of Acre, totaling more than R$ 270 million in investments in public policies. The investments are part of the public policies financed with resources from federal parliamentary amendments. It is up to the NCP to monitor the execution of the projects and assess whether the resources are being applied according to the approved purpose.
Video with audio in portuguese
Assessoria Especial de Comunicação Social (ASCOM) – Ministério da Defesa – +55 (61) 3312-4071
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