Ares, in collaboration with the Brazilian Army, conducted specialized instruction to train military personnel in the use of the REMAX Remotely Controlled Weapons System, using the STARMAX shooting simulator as an instruction tool, in support of the transformation of the 18th Mechanized Fleet Regiment, in Boa Vista (RR), from a squadron to a regiment. Last month, 50 vehicles were sent to the site and will form part of the new 18th Fleet which, by 2025, will have three squadrons and a staff of around 600 soldiers.
For five days, 32 soldiers took part in this training, which focused on operating the Remax Weapons System integrated with the new Guaicurus 4×4 Multitask Light Wheeled Vehicle. The training allowed both the certification of new shooters and the updating of those who already had experience with the Remax system integrated into the Guarani 6×6.
The aim was to ensure that all operators are able to use the equipment effectively.
José Renato Pimenta, Instructor and Logistics Support Technician at Ares, highlighted the importance of the training, which included theoretical, practical and motor skills instruction in Boa Vista, using the simulator developed by ARES. “STARMAX, as an instructional tool, not only provides effective training for troops, but also guarantees the safety of military personnel by minimizing the risks inherent in military instruction, providing a controlled and simulated learning environment, as well as saving the resources needed for instruction,” he said.
In addition to training military personnel, Ares also provides support throughout the country to Military Organizations (OMs) that have the Remax system, wherever they are located. “Logistical support is essential to ensure the availability of equipment and the success of military operations. At Ares, we are committed to providing efficient and reliable support to Military Organizations (OMs), ensuring that they have continuous access to the necessary resources,” says Pimenta.
Innovation and efficiency
Available in a portable case, STARMAX is now available in two versions – it can be used in a vehicle or installed in a location without the need for a vehicle.
It is integrated with the system used for training via a module connected directly to the REMAX Employment System (SE).
Once connected, the Instructor Module will command the REMAX system to start up, thus enabling the virtual environment in which the student will be immersed. This module is responsible for creating scenarios and assessing the student’s performance in real time.
The modular solution allows training to be carried out in an immersive environment – inside the vehicle or in classrooms – and new elements to be added to its configuration.
STARMAX offers motor skills training, operations and firing training and collimation training.
Features and advantages of STARMAX
- More effective troop training;
- Ability to train the shooter or the entire vehicle garrison;
- Savings on the resources needed for instruction (ammunition/fuel/wear and tear);
- Optimization of the time invested in instruction;
- Modular, multi-platform software;
- Easily transported system;
- Reduction of risks (accidents/incidents) inherent in military instruction.
*** Translated by DEFCONPress FYI Team ***