FAB General Officers visit the Army Aviation CommandFAB General Officers visit the Army Aviation Command

The objective of the visit was the interaction among strategic areas, in which COMGAP also operates, from hangar infrastructure to maintenance practices and simulation

DCTA, by Lieutenant Carolina Redlich and Major Oliveira Lima

The General Director of the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), Lieutenant-Air Brigadier Maurício Augusto Silveira de Medeiros, accompanied the General Commander of Aircraft Support, Lieutenant-Air Brigadier Pedro Luís Farcic, in an institutional visit to the Army Aviation Command (CAvEx), in Taubaté (SP), last Thursday (09/06). Currently, CAvEx is commanded by Brigadier General Fabio Serpa de Carvalho Lima.

The event was also attended by the Military Commander of the Southeast, Army General Tomás Miguel Miné Ribeiro Paiva and the DCTA Vice-Director, Air Major-Brigadier Mauro Bellintani, as well as other General Officers from the General Support Command (COMGAP).

After being received at the Aerodrome Division, the authorities went to the Army Aviation Training Center Hangar (CIAvEx), where they participated in the troop’s graduation and parade. Afterwards, they visited the Army Aviation Maintenance and Supply Battalion (Btl Mnt Sup Av Ex) and the Flight Simulation Division, ending the program at the 1st Army Aviation Battalion (BAvEx).

“It was possible to see the importance of the interaction between strategic areas, in which COMGAP also operates, from the hangar infrastructure to the maintenance and simulation practices. I confirm how essential this approach is; after all, together we are stronger and stronger,” commented Lieutenant Brigadier Farcic.

For the DCTA Director General, the visit was a unique opportunity. “We were able to get to know the main potentialities of the Army Aviation, implemented since 1986, and that today serve as reference in several areas that are also of interest to the FAB, especially regarding flight simulation and helicopter combat. Seeing all this development is a reason for pride and joy, even more so because we are together here in Vale do Paraíba, so close to this sister force that is the Brazilian Army,” concluded Lieutenant Brigadier Medeiros.

Photos: Lieutenant Carolina Redlich / DCTA *** Translated by the DEFCONPress FYI Team ***

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