FAB realiza primeiro Exercício Técnico de Reabastecimento em Voo com helicópterosFAB realiza primeiro Exercício Técnico de Reabastecimento em Voo com helicópteros

On June 27, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) began the Selective Process for recruiting and incorporating college-level professionals in several areas, with a view to providing Temporary Military Service for the years 2022 and 2023.

Electronic registration will take place until July 12, 2022, as extended by DIRAP Ordinance 156/3SM, of June 29, at http://www.convocacaotemporarios.fab.mil.br, where the candidate can access the specific requirements and conditions for participating in the Selective Process. There are four (4) Notices of Convocation open, for the TECHNICAL AREA (QOCon Tec 1-2022/2023), for the MEDICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL, AND DENTAL AREAS (QOCon MFDV 1-2022/2023), for the MAGISTRY AREA (QOCon MAG 1-2022/2023), and for the SECURITY AND DEFENSE AREA (QOCon Tec SED 1-2022).

The Selective Process is intended to call and to incorporate into the FAB, Brazilian citizens of both genders, who are volunteers to act in the following areas:

1) Technical Area: Administration; Surveying Engineering; Systems Analysis; Architecture; Architecture; Archivology; Librarianship; Accounting Sciences; Civil Engineering; Economics; Physical Education; Electronic Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Nursing; Statistics; Physiotherapy; Speech Therapy; Phonoaudiology; Mechanical Engineering; Nutrition; Pedagogy; Clinical Psychology; Organizational and Work Psychology; Public Relations; Legal Services; Social Service; Work Security Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering.

2) Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Dental Areas: Physicians – Anesthesiology; Pathological Anatomy; Clinical Cancerology; Cardiology; General Surgery; Internal Medicine; Dermatology; Gynecology and Obstetrics; Otorhinolaryngology; Orthopedics; Pediatrics; Psychiatry and Radiology. Dentists – General Dental Practice; Orthodontics and Prosthodontics. Pharmacists – Biochemical Pharmacy and Hospital Pharmacy

3) Teaching Area: High School Teaching in Sociology and High School Teaching in English Language.

4) Security and Defense Area: One position is foreseen for Florianópolis/SC and one position for Santa Maria/RS.

In the region covered by the Fifth Regional Air Command (V COMAR), a regional reference of the Aeronautics Command in the country’s Southern Region, there are 84 vacancies/specialties, of which 29 for Canoas (RS), 01 for Porto Alegre (RS), 19 for Santa Maria (RS), 12 for Florianópolis (SC) and 23 for Curitiba (PR). In all, there are more than 500 vacancies in Brazil.

The selection involves Document Delivery; Document Validation; Curriculum Evaluation; Health Inspection; Psychological Evaluation and Fitness Test; among other stages. The specific requirements and conditions for participating in the selection process are in the Notice of Convocation, published on the site mentioned above.

When the volunteers are incorporated, they will be declared Officer Candidate, and will compete for promotion to Second Lieutenant, six months after their Incorporation, where they will be entitled to the monthly pay and other prerogatives corresponding to their entry rank.

The Temporary Military Service lasts 12 months, renewable successively for periods of 12 months, according to personal or administrative interest, for up to 8 years (96 months).

Candidates must pay special attention to the documents needed to prove the specific requirements and qualification criteria, in order to prove the requirements and the score to be confirmed in the document validation, during the curricular evaluation.

FAB TIP: Did you know that the main reason for excluding candidates is the absence of documents as provided for in the Announcements of Convocation? So #fica_a_dica!

WHAT:Selective Process for the FAB Reserve Officers 2nd Class (higher level).

WHEN:Applications from 06/27/22 to 07/12/2022.
WHERE:Announcements of Convocation at https://convocacaotemporarios.fab.mil.br/
VACANCIES/SPECIALITIES:84 for RS, being 29 for Canoas, 01 for Porto Alegre, 19 for Santa Maria, 12 for Florianópolis and 23 for Curitiba.

Phone numbers: (51) 3462.2708 / 2709 / 2710.
E-mail: acs.vcomar@fab.mil.br / acs.vcomar@gmail.com

Questions about the selection process in your region:
CANOAS/POA: (51) 3462.1108 / 1259.
SANTA-MARIA: (54) 3220.3603.
FLORIANÓPOLIS: (48) 3229.5034 / 5196.
CURITIBA: (41) 3251.5218.

*** Translated by The DEFCONPress Team ***

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