The military of COMAE worked in two modalities, virtual and presential, with two military making the operational link between Brasilia and the United States
Air Force Agency – COMAE, by Lieutenant Colonel Nohra and Major Oliveira Lima
The Aerospace Operations Command (COMAE) participated, from September 12 to 16, in the Vulcan Guard Bolt 3 Exercise, in Springfield-Ohio, with units from the United States Space Force. The event was coordinated by the New York National Guard, hosted by the 178th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group.
The military of the COMAE worked in two modalities, virtual and presential, with two military personnel in Springfield, making the operational link between Brasilia and the United States. During the exercise, satellite controllers and payload operators from the US and Brazil worked together to solve complex problems in the space environment, involving possible collisions and electromagnetic interference.
The Vulcan Guard Exercise included the participation of 11 units of the New York National Guard, covering nine U.S. states and more than 1,000 military personnel. With the use of modeling and simulation tools, the military analyzed different operational scenarios, allowing the study, planning, execution and validation of procedures.
According to the Chief of the Space Operations Center (COPE), Air Brigadier Rodrigo Alvim de Oliveira, the exercise is a great opportunity to share experiences, operate jointly and evolve in space doctrine. “The Security of Space Operations is a responsibility of all Nations, and efforts like this contribute to guarantee our interests in Space,” states the General Officer.
The Brazilian participation was a success and the lessons learned were recorded and implemented, contributing to National Sovereignty, Integrity, and Defense in the face of the complex space scenario.
Photos: Lieutenant Colonel Nohra and Lieutenant Christopher Graziano *** Translated by the DEFCONPress FYI Team ***