Activity was held this Friday (10/07) to the group of General and Senior Officers known as the Old Eagles
Air Force Agency, by Lieutenant Marayane Ribeiro, Major Oliveira Lima
Continuing the events in allusion to the Aviator’s Day and the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), on Friday (October 07), the traditional lecture was held for the group of reserve military personnel from the region of Brasilia (DF), known as the Old Eagles. The presentation was given by the FAB Commander, Air Lieutenant Brigadier Carlos de Almeida Baptista Junior, and was attended by about 240 General Officers and Officers.
The event was attended by the former Minister of Aeronautics, Air Lieutenant-Brigadier Lélio Viana Lôbo; the former Commanders of the Air Force: Air Lieutenant Brigadier Juniti Saito, Air Lieutenant Brigadier Nivaldo Luiz Rossato and Air Lieutenant Brigadier Antonio Carlos Moretti Bermudez; and the Ministers of the Superior Military Court: Lieutenant-Brigadier of the Air Francisco Joseli Parente Camelo, Lieutenant-Brigadier of the Air Carlos Vuyk de Aquino and Lieutenant-Brigadier of the Air Carlos Augusto Amaral Oliveira; of Officers-General of the High Command of the Aeronautics; General-Officers of the Aeronautics; the Deputy Legal Advisor of the Aeronautics Command, Tania Patricia de Lara Vaz; Commanders, Chiefs and Directors of Military Organizations of the Aeronautics; and Air Force Reserve Colonels.
In the lecture, Lieutenant-Brigadier Baptista Junior addressed the Institution’s current situation and the FAB’s challenges for the coming decades. “I am fully aware of the challenges we will have to go through and the foundations we are cementing for the future. Challenges that are not only budgetary, which are, first and foremost, the decision we must make about what is the Air Force we want for the future,” explained the General Officer.
The Commander further highlighted teamwork and corps spirit as essential aspects for an operational Air Force. “It’s about the awareness that, as it says in our Expert Anthem, we are and need to remain an effective whole. We don’t make an Air Force just of Airmen, just of Intendants, just of men and women, just of civilians or military,” he concluded.
Former Minister of Aeronautics from 1992 to 1994 and from 1995 to 1999, Lieutenant-Brigadier Lôbo pointed out the importance of the lecture given by Lieutenant-Brigadier Baptista Junior. “I consider it absolutely essential because it is a way for the Commander to communicate with this universe of current and former advisors at the same time. It is a way to let them know what is going on, the difficulties that are being faced, but mainly the objectives”, he emphasized.
In the same way, Hugo Marcelo Goulart Vieira, reserve airplane colonel, thanked the opportunity to be updated about the Air Force’s current situation. “For us, who have been in the reserves for some time, we don’t know about the events and what is being done. So I think this kind of annual presentation is very important”, concluded the officer.
The Air Force Commander’s lectures for the reserve military have been held since 2010.
Photos: Sergeant Figueira / CECOMSAER *** Translated by the DEFCONPress FYI Team ***