The Brazilian Company for Industrial Research and Innovation (EMBRAPII) and the National Bank for Social Development (BNDES) launch a partnership aimed at companies in the Defense Industrial Base that want to innovate. The announcement takes place next Tuesday (14), at the Technology Park of São José dos Campos (SP), in an event that brings together government representatives, researchers and industry to discuss the challenges and opportunities in Defense.

There are R$ 20 million non-reimbursable funds set aside for the development of BID¹ innovations. The resources can be used to finance up to 50% of the companies’ RD&I projects in several areas, including logistics, advanced materials, and Information and Communication Technology (ICTs).

The proposal is to invest in technologies that are linked to the Defense Articulation and Equipment Plan (PAED), as well as projects that aim to develop offset program technologies (which are commercial, technological and industrial compensation agreements).

EMBRAPII has a network of 76 EMBRAPII Units – accredited ICTs with state-of-the-art infrastructure and qualified researchers to support industry in overcoming its technological challenges.

At the event, it will promote a business round among researchers from EMBRAPII Units and companies from the Defense Industrial Base (BID). The EMBRAPII Units will have the opportunity to present their work and research offers and, the companies, their demands.

EMBRAPII, in only seven years, has already supported 14 companies, taking on 49 projects that add up to more than R$ 128 million in investments in innovations in the defense area. The funding of the BNDES contract comes from the BNDES Funtec – Technological Fund, whose goal is to strengthen and expand the opportunities for strengthening the RD&I activities of the industrial sector in the country.

Learn more about some EMBRAPII projects in Defense

100% national satellite

EMBRAPII supported the development of the first satellite developed entirely by the Brazilian industry, a partnership between the EMBRAPII Unit of the Senai Innovation Institute (ISI) in Embedded Systems and the company Visiona Tecnologia Espacial.

Weighing 10 kg, the nano-satellite will allow the development and validation of space technologies such as on-board supervision systems and software-defined radio, considered today as the main technological gaps in the Brazilian space industry.

The pilot project will serve to acquire knowledge for the development of commercial satellites.

High Reliability System

EMBRAER, together with the EMBRAPII Unit of CERTI Foundation and with the support of the Foundation for Research Support and Innovation of the State of Santa Catarina (FAPESC), executed an unprecedented project in the country: the development of high reliability systems.

The resulting prototype integrates several components of the aircraft’s systems, controlling and monitoring the transport in real time.

The system also performs critical functions to accomplish the mission, which can be from passenger or cargo transportation, to firefighting, humanitarian and military use.

Fast Targeting

The EMBRAPII Unit ISI Polymers and the company AEL Sistemas developed a prototype of an optical sight that resulted in the development of a reflective electro-optical system, which enables the user to keep both eyes open while aiming.

The system is resistant to harsh environmental conditions such as shock, vibration, extreme temperatures, sea fog, humidity and dust.

About the Defense Industry

Considered a strategic area for national security, the defense industry involves diverse technologies applicable to biological, nuclear, chemical, radiological defense, and new materials.

Traditionally, every new solution in the sector can go beyond and contribute to related areas such as, for example, the development of specific sensors and equipment for guidance; high energy density materials for propellants and explosives; artificial intelligence and quantum technologies for use in cyber defense; radars and sensors, with their respective processing and analysis technologies; ballistic protection, multispectral camouflage, stealth technology, and electromagnetic shielding; as well as the development of high-performance national actuators.

¹BID – Base Industrial de Defesa (Defense Industrial Base)

Photo: First 100% national nano-satellite: Developed by the Senai Innovation Institute (ISI) in Embedded Systems – EMBRAPII Unit, the equipment, to be launched by the end of the year, will allow the development and validation of space technologies – Credit: Keiny Andrade

*** Translated by DEFCONPress Team ***

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