Under the coordination of the Naval Special Operations Command (CoNavOpEsp), between October 10 and 21, the Specific Joint Training of Precision Shooters took place at the facilities of the Marine Special Operations Battalion (BtlOpEspFuzNav), at the Marambaia Island Assessment Center (CADIM), aboard the Ocean Support Ship Purus (NApOc “Purus”), with the support of the 1st General Helicopter Squadron (EsqdHU-1) and the 1st Clarification and Attack Helicopter Squadron (EsqdHA-1).
This activity aimed at the operational maintenance of Special Operations troops in precision shooting activities and promoted interoperability among Brazilian Navy personnel from the Marine Special Operations Battalion (BtlOpEspFuzNav) and the Combat Diver Group (GRUMEC), the Brazilian Air Force through the Air Rescue Squadron (EAS), and the Brazilian Army through the 1st Special Forces Battalion (1ºBFEsp), the Commando Action Battalion (1ºBAC), the 3rd Special Forces Company (3ªCiaFE), and the Parachute Precursor Company (CiaPrec), in order to improve techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTP) focused on precision shooting capabilities.
The period from October 16 to 21 marked the second stage of the practical phase of the Ministry of Defense’s Specific Joint Special Operations Sniper Training, coordinated by the Naval Special Operations Command (CoNavOpEsp).
During this phase of the Training, pairs of precision marksmen from the Navy, Army and Air Force were sent to the Marambaia Island Assessment Center (CADIM), where they could explore the “Naval Character” in the precision shooting activities conducted by the Combat Diver’s Group (GRUMEC).
This activity allowed military personnel from other Forces to get to know the peculiarities of the activity in naval and aerial means of the Brazilian Navy.
The exercise took place on board the Ocean Support Ship (NApOc) “Purus” and UH-12 aircraft from the 1st General Helicopter Squadron, where the marksmen had the opportunity to perform marksmanship on land and sea targets, allowing the military of the three Armed Forces to experience the techniques and difficulties inherent to shooting from unstable platforms.
This MB expertise, acquired over the years and perfected during Peace Missions in Lebanon, was fundamental for the exchange of Techniques, Tactics and Procedures (TTP) inherent to the activity.
The Joint Specific Training had its final activities held at the Marine Special Operations Battalion between October 20 and 21, 2022, with the presence of the Commander of Naval Operations, who presided over the closing ceremony. During this period, on-board shooting was conducted in an AH-11B aircraft, belonging to the 1st Clarification and Attack Helicopter Squadron (EsqdHA-1), and commitment shooting in the context of a tactical theme.
*** Translated with the DEFCONPress FYI Team ***