This is the largest cocaine seizure ever made in the Blue Amazon
An interagency action between the Brazilian Navy (MB) and the Federal Police (PF) resulted in the seizure of 3.6 tons of cocaine on Tuesday morning (19), off the coast of the state of Pernambuco. This was the largest seizure of cocaine ever made at sea in Brazil. The action is part of Operation “Ágata Nordeste”, which represents a joint effort by security and inspection forces to combat cross-border and environmental crimes.
During the operation, a 500-ton MB patrol ship, which was carrying PF agents, boarded the vessel “PALMARES 1”. At the time of the boarding, there were five crew members on the vessel, which was bound for Africa. The seizure took place 18 nautical miles from Recife (PE), which is equivalent to approximately 33 kilometers. After being seized, the “PALMARES 1” was towed by the Patrol Ship to the Port of Recife.
Interagency operations
The Brazilian maritime and fluvial operational environment is vast, with 5.7 million km² of maritime area, known as the Blue Amazon, and 64,000 km of planned waterway network. This immense area is a gateway for national and international trade, significantly boosting the Brazilian economy. However, it is also home to a number of threats, such as illegal fishing, smuggling and drug trafficking.
To protect and monitor Brazilian Jurisdictional Waters, MB developed the Blue Amazon Management System (SisGAAz). The tool integrates various pieces of equipment and systems and is connected to the networks of agencies such as the PF, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), the Federal Revenue Service and Petrobras, as well as companies capable of providing and sharing relevant information. The information obtained through SisGAAz contributes to Maritime Intelligence operations.
The figures show that joint actions have achieved significant results in the fight against illicit activities. From 2020 to date, they have resulted in the seizure of more than 17 tons of cocaine, 4.3 tons of hashish, 695 tons of cigarettes, 113.34 tons of fish, 15.7 tons of marijuana and 3,146 m³ of wood. In this context, the Navy has been cooperating with federal agencies to crack down on crimes involving the use of the sea, inland waters and port areas, in the form of logistical support, intelligence, communications and training. Operation “Ágata Nordeste” is just one of several interagency operations that take place throughout the year.
Joint actions enable the agencies involved to maximize their capabilities and mitigate possible limitations. They can be national or international, and involve both governmental and non-governmental bodies. In addition to the PF, the Navy has worked together with agencies such as the Federal Revenue Service, Ibama, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and the National Water Transport Agency (ANTAQ).

500-ton patrol ship
The Navy has three 500-ton patrol ships, belonging to the “Macaé” class. Their mission is to contribute to the safety of maritime traffic and the defense of Brazil’s strategic interests in the Blue Amazon, through patrol activities, naval inspection and safeguarding human life at sea.
The 500-ton patrol ship, which has greater autonomy over long distances, a greater radius of action and a naval architecture designed to cope with adverse conditions on the high seas, is a suitable vessel for carrying out missions such as Operation “Ágata”, in which it is necessary to reach Brazil’s Wet Border in the Blue Amazon.

The new Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), announced by the Federal Government, includes investments in new patrol ships. With this, the Navy hopes to incorporate the “Mangaratiba” patrol ship, under construction at the Rio de Janeiro Navy Arsenal, with delivery scheduled for 2025, as well as two 500-ton patrol ships also covered by the new PAC. However, the program does not provide for investment in SisGAAz.
Source: Agência Marinha de Notícias