Brasília (DF) – The Armed Forces, in a joint action with the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) and the Federal Police (PF), destroyed a helicopter and arrested a man suspected of illegal mining in the Yanomami Indigenous Land (TIY). With around 130 military personnel and 20 vehicles – including cars, aircraft and boats – this was the Defense Department’s first action in Operation Catrimani II, which began in April to combat illegal activity and dismantle the infrastructures that support mining.

Over the last two days, actions have taken place in three regions of the TIY (Homoxi, Xitei Pupunha and Rangel), to dismantle central illegal mining points. In addition to the aircraft, five camps were destroyed and various pieces of equipment were seized, such as motors, generators, water pumps, freezers and satellite communication and internet connection equipment.

“This type of action will continue to take place in cooperation with the Casa de Governo, for the disintrusion of illegal mining in the Yanomami indigenous territory and to support the public health emergency of national interest, for as long as necessary,” said the Chief of Staff of Operation Catrimani II, Rear Admiral Luis Manuel de Campos Mello.

Catrimani II – The new phase of the operation, scheduled to continue until December 31 of this year, was instituted by means of Ordinance GM-MD No. 1511, of March 26. Around 800 military personnel from the Armed Forces have been mobilized, as well as river, land and air resources, to combat illegal mining in the TIY, in the states of Amazonas and Roraima. The Armed Forces are working in conjunction with the Government House in Roraima, as well as security agencies and bodies, to strengthen the protection of the indigenous people.

By admin