The launch of the management committee for the National Public Security Fund and the challenges involved in managing public security in general were points addressed by the Ministry of Justice’s National Secretary for Public Security, Mario Luiz Sarrubbo, during his visit to the IX LAAD Security Seminar.
Visiting LAAD Security & Defense for the first time, the secretary highlighted the need for integration between federal and state information and actions in the fight against crime. According to him, inequality in the country and the need to increase investment in education are not the only issues that need to be addressed in order to improve security in Brazil.
“We need to solve staffing problems and unify information so that the government can better understand the demands of each state,” said Sarrubbo. He added: “In addition, working to preserve the lives of staff and the population, equipping the forces with state-of-the-art technology, working on legislation so that crime is no longer a lucrative, low-risk business due to impunity are all part of this challenge.
During his visit to the event, the secretary was able to get to know and try out the available technologies and, during his lecture, representing the Minister of Justice, Ricardo Lewandowiski spoke about the issues of combating impunity, the improvements aimed at the investigative segment of the forces and also about the management of the National Public Security Fund. “On April 5 we will hold the first meeting of this management group to identify bottlenecks and seek solutions so that the fund reaches the states properly,” said the secretary.
Rui Chagas Mesquita, Secretary of Defense Products at the Ministry of Defense, also spoke at the event. For him, stimulating the defense industry in Brazil means expanding the country’s dialogue with the world’s main players in the segment and bringing development to Brazil. “Defense is an extensive and difficult segment, but we need to encourage projects that position us worldwide as generators of innovation for the sector,” he said.