ASOCEA participa de auditoria da Organização da Aviação Civil InternacionalASOCEA participa de auditoria da Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional

The Air Navigation Services Monitoring Organization was active from 05/17 to 06/07

ASOCEA, by Captain Lopez Ramos and Lieutenant Marize Torres

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) conducted, between May 17th and June 7th, an audit within the scope of the Universal Operational Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP). In this occasion, the implementation of Brazil’s Operational Safety was evaluated, in the application of national regulations in accordance with the standards recommended by ICAO, in which the Airspace Control Operational Safety Advisory (ASOCEA) actively participated, as the Aeronautics Command (COMAER) agency responsible for the surveillance of Air Navigation Services. 

In relation to matters affecting the COMAER, the international audit involved processes related to Basic Aviation Legislation and Civil Aviation Regulations, Civil Aviation Organization, Air Navigation Services, Personnel Licenses and Training, Aerodromes and Navigation Aids, and Aircraft Accidents and Incidents Investigation, with a total of 790 Protocol Questions (“PQ”).

In this scenario, the ASOCEA operational safety surveillance processes are important evidence to demonstrate that the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) of the Brazilian Airspace Control System (SISCEAB) comply with ICAO international requirements, in the COMAER regulations, related to the activities of Air Traffic Services, Aeronautical Cartography, Aeronautical Meteorology, Aeronautical Education, Aeronautical Telecommunications, Aeronautical Information, Aeronautical Medicine and Search and Rescue.

The ASOCEA’s participation in this process began in December 2022, through a Preparatory Inspection carried out at the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), based on the ICAO Protocols, as well as by providing the Advisory’s processes to evidence the implementation of continuous monitoring of operational safety surveillance in the national PSNA.

At the end of the audit, the Brazilian State (Aeronautics Command and the National Civil Aviation Agency) obtained the expressive mark of 95.1% of compliance in the preliminary global assessment, surpassing, by far, the world average, of 67.4%, and of South America, which is 79.7%, remaining at the same level of excellence of countries such as Canada, Australia, France, Germany and the USA.

At the closing meeting, OACI auditor Mauricio Espinoza Murillo highlighted that: “the protocols implemented by ASOCEA constitute very important tools for auditors to carry out their activities”. Afterwards, the Head of ASOCEA, Aviator Colonel Ivan Pedro Leal Silva, highlighted: “It was an excellent learning experience and we will have a lot of experience to add to our Air Navigation Service Inspection Processes of the Brazilian State”.

Photos: Captain Lopez Ramos / ASOCEA; and Lieutenant Bianca Vilar / CINDACTA
*** Translated by the DEFCONPress FYI team ***

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