AMAN holds Civic Moment at Lídia Pires de Magalhães SchoolAMAN holds Civic Moment at Lídia Pires de Magalhães School

Closing the first semester of activities, the “Civic Moment” was held at the Lídia Pires de Magalhães Municipal School, located in the Itapuca neighborhood, a project led by the Agulhas Negras Military Academy (AMAN) in partnership with the Resende City Hall.

On the occasion, were present the Commander of the Battalion Agulhas Negras, Lieutenant Colonel Leonardo Augusto de Resende, his Deputy Command Lieutenant Santos, the Pedagogical Superintendent of the Municipal Department of Education, Professor Mario José Dias, the Director of the School, Professor Ana Lúcia Machado Santos, as well as family and friends of the students.

During the ceremony a new National Flag was delivered to the School Director. As part of the activity, there was also the raising of the National Pavilion by TC Leonardo, accompanied by the student Ana Luiza Monteiro. At the same time, the flags of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Municipality of Resende were raised by Professor Mario and Professor Ana Lúcia, respectively.

With the participation of the traditional BCSv/AMAN Music Band, the Brazilian National Anthem was sung by all present.

To the Deputy Commandant of BCSv/AMAN an even more significant feeling.

“It is a great satisfaction to be able to return to this school, where I had the opportunity to be a student for a period of three years. It is vibrant to see, many years later, the children in shape and having contact with these demonstrations of civility and respect for national symbols, “says Sub-Lieutenant Santos.

The Civic Moment is held once a month in public schools in Resende, and aims to develop in young students the feeling of patriotism and civic values through the worship of the Brazilian Flag and the National Anthem, our national symbols.

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