This test marks the re-establishment of the Test Bed’s readiness
Air Force Agency – IAE, by Lieutenant Colonel Leonardo
On October 25, the Propulsion Laboratory of the Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE), under the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), carried out a hot test of a development model of the thrust chamber of a rocket engine, which uses the propellant pair: liquid oxygen and ethanol.
This test marks the re-establishment of the Test Bench’s readiness to test the first development model of the MFPL L25 chamber. This Rocket Engine is one of the active projects of IAE’s Propulsion Division, which aims to develop a 25kN thrust engine with an electropump cycle, with the support of National Industry.
It is therefore planned to replace the third stage of the Microsatellite Launch Vehicle (VLM-1) with a liquid-propellant rocket engine, which will increase the precision and capacity for inserting payloads into orbit.
IAE’s Director, Air Brigadier Frederico Casarino, highlighted the project. “IAE is working hard to put Brazil in the club of countries that have a satellite launch vehicle,” he said.
The development of the MFPL L25 Project has the support of the Aeronautics Command and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), through the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) and the Financier of Studies and Projects (FINEP).
Photos: IAE