Tapio 2023: Medical training for conflict and disaster areasTapio 2023: Medical training for conflict and disaster areas

What happens after the SAR team’s rescue? For the first time, the Air Force Field Hospital participates in the completion of the SAR-man rescue.

Air Force Agency, by Lieutenant Eniele Santos

As part of the training activities for Joint Exercise Tápio 2023, the work of the Air Force Field Hospital (HCAMP) and the Search and Rescue teams proved essential. The training simulated rescue situations in remote areas and recovery actions for military personnel in danger. In this scenario, the health professionals took on the responsibility of providing immediate medical care immediately after the rescue; which also prepared the health team to deal with emergencies in an agile and precise manner.

According to HCAMP Commander, Medical Major Juliana Freire Vandesteen, the hospital team took part in the activities for the first time, receiving the victim who was rescued by the rescue men and providing tactical pre-hospital care (APH-T) and crucial medical care. “The team receives the victim and brings them to the hospital, where there is in-house training on how to stabilize the victim, so that we can assess all their health conditions, which leads us to decide which procedures should be carried out,” she explains. 

Operational Health

As well as taking part in the training of military personnel, working together with the SAR team, the Field Hospital played a vital role in maintaining operational health, providing medical and dental care throughout the Exercise for all the military personnel who attended the BACG, since the intense routine and the physical and mental demands of military operations require a comprehensive approach to ensure that they are always prepared to carry out Air Force missions.

The Head of Dentistry at HCAMP, Dental Captain Aline Reinozo Gonçalves, highlighted the importance of carrying out dental care and procedures at EXCON Tápio 2023, as a way of ensuring the health of all those involved in military training. “With this format, we were able to ensure that all the soldiers were able to take part in the activities they had been proposed to do. In addition, we were able to meet the demands of those who, due to the routine of their missions, are unable to seek out the FAB’s health systems so easily. Here, we are able to meet all the demands of the soldiers so that they can return ‘home’,” he adds.

HCAMP services and procedures

Between August 12 and 31, the staff of the Field Hospital at EXCON Tápio carried out 491 consultations and procedures. Of this total, there were 39 medical consultations, 294 dental procedures and 47 nursing consultations. These figures show that HCAMP’s presence not only reinforced medical response capacity in critical situations, but also highlighted the importance of operational health in all aspects of the exercise.

Photos: Sergeant Müller Marin/ CECOMSAER – Video: Sergeant André Souza/ CECOMSAER

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