Porto Velho (RO) and Manaus (AM) receive Esquadrilha da Fumaça (Smoke Squadron)Porto Velho (RO) and Manaus (AM) receive Esquadrilha da Fumaça (Smoke Squadron)

Aerial presentations took place in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Father of Aviation

Lieutenant Marcizio (BAPV) and Lieutenant Catherine (VII COMAR)

The Air Demonstration Squadron (EDA), popularly known as the Esquadrilha da Fumaça (Smoke Squadron), held a series of presentations in July, in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Alberto Santos Dumont, the Father of Aviation and Patron of Brazilian Aeronautics.

On Friday (07/07), in the city of Porto Velho (RO), the action was the result of a partnership between the State of Rondônia, the Porto Velho City Hall and the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), which aims to promote greater integration with society.

According to the Commander of the Porto Velho Air Base (BAPV), Colonel Aviator Marcos de Oliveira Macedo, the aerial acrobatics are a demonstration of skill and agility of the pilots, which attracts the eyes of all generations. “The presence of the Esquadrilha da Fumaça is a symbol of this union and represents the commitment of all parties involved in promoting a memorable event that brings together and praises the population of Porto Velho”, commented the BAPV Commander.

Photos: Soldier Willian (BAPV) and Soldier Moré (VII COMAR).

Manaus (AM)

In the capital of Amazonas, the presentation of the Air Demonstration Squadron took place on Saturday (08/07), at the Ponta Negra tourist complex, also as part of the circuit of celebrations alluding to the 150th anniversary of Santos Dumont. 

The acrobatics show was operationalized through the partnership of the Manaus Air Force Garrison and the City Hall. The presentation in Manaus lasted 40 minutes and each acrobatics made the audience present enthusiastic in a memorable show.

The Commander of the Seventh Regional Air Command (VII COMAR), Major Brigadier David Almeida Alcoforado, and the Mayor of the City of Manaus, David Pereira de Almeida, were present throughout the presentation.

Audience at Ponta Negra Beach”The presentation was a moment of great joy because it required a lot of planning. And this would not have been possible without the support of the Municipality of Manaus and the Military Organizations of the Manaus Air Force Garrison,” said the General Officer.


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