Omni Helicopters International (OHI), one of the largest providers of air mobility solutions in Latin AmericaOmni Helicopters International (OHI), one of the largest providers of air mobility solutions in Latin America

CTO will be responsible for leading transformation programs to make OHI the largest global provider of air mobility.

Omni Helicopters International (OHI), one of the largest providers of air mobility solutions in Latin America and owner of Omni Táxi Aéreo, announces the appointment of Brazilian Paulo Couto as the company’s Chief Transformation Officer (CTO). In this position, Paulo will be responsible for leading transformation programs and innovation efforts to achieve OHI’s accelerated growth objective of becoming the leading global provider of air mobility and transportation solutions.

With more than 25 years of experience in business transformation and strategic leadership in a variety of sectors, Paulo brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his new role at OHI. He has experience in developing and executing transformative strategies that improve operational efficiency, promote innovation and drive sustainable growth. Paulo holds an MBA from Harvard Business School (USA) and a bachelor’s degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Omni Helicopters International (OHI), founded in Portugal in the 1990s, is at the forefront of Latin America’s air mobility and transportation solutions sector using aircraft, serving clients in various segments, guaranteeing agile and efficient solutions. Through Omni Táxi Aéreo in Brazil, Omni Helicopters Guyana Inc. and Omni Helicopters International Mozambique, OHI offers high capacity to serve offshore clients in the Oil & Gas and Energy markets. It offers crew change services, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Fire Fighting, Search and Rescue operations, as well as specialized Cargo Transport services in remote and challenging locations. In line with its commitment to innovation, OHI has recently introduced two pioneering initiatives: OHI Unmanned, a division specializing in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) services, and Revo, a provider of high-quality advanced air mobility (AAM) solutions that recently arrived in São Paulo.

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