Operation Munduruku V prepares the military for another international exerciseOperation Munduruku V prepares the military for another international exercise

Marabá (PA) – From August 28 to 30, the 52nd Jungle Infantry Battalion carried out Operation Munduruku V, a training exercise with a battalion-wide task force. Different jungle companies were mobilized, including marines, cavalry, combat engineering, as well as logistics and communications units. The aim of the training is to prepare the troops of the Northern Military Command to take part in the CORE 23 (Combined Operation and Rotation Exercise) combined exercise with the United States Army.

During Operation Munduruku V, tactical operations were carried out with infiltrations through the jungle, riverine operations, attack and defense of strong points and operations against irregular forces. The exercise improves the response capacity of troops deployed in the Amazon environment, reinforcing their permanent state of readiness.

Exercise CORE 23

The Combined Operation and Rotation Exercise – CORE 23 is a combined exercise with the United States Army scheduled for October 29 to November 20, 2023 and also in 2024, in the garrisons of Belém, Macapá, Oiapoque and the district of Clevelândia do Norte. The aim of the activity is to increase the troops’ operational capacity, maintain historical ties between the countries and increase integration and cooperation between the two armies. 

CORE 23 is the result of a cooperation program signed between Brazil and the United States, which stipulates annual bilateral combined exercises until 2028. A total of 1,500 soldiers from Brazil, 310 from the United States and 50 from France will take part. 

International exercises

In addition to CORE, Brazil carries out a series of combined exercises with the armies of friendly nations. Read more about these partnerships.

Operation Fer de Lance, a combined exercise with France, in French Guiana.

Operation Arandu, in cooperation with Argentina.

Operation Paraná, coordinated by Brazil and Paraguay, involving 14 countries from the Conference of American Armies.

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