FAB military personnel were trained and capacitated for landings, air take-offs and low altitude navigation, with simulated load launching and use of night vision goggles

Air Force Agency: GAP-MN, by Lieutenant Catherine

The First Squadron of the Ninth Aviation Group (1º/9th GAV) – Arara Squadron, based at Manaus Air Base (BAMN), conducted, between May 29 and June 1, the Technical Exercise (EXTEC) Critical Runway and NVG (Night Vision Goggles). The operation took place at the Tabatinga Airfield, in Amazonas.

During the exercise, the Squadron’s crew members, who operate the C-105 Amazonas aircraft, were trained and capacitated for landings, air landings and navigations at low altitude, with simulated load launches and the use of night vision goggles. This equipment increases luminosity by up to 50 thousand times and uses the light from the stars and the moon, allowing the pilots to carry out night missions without visual references for the human eye.

During EXTEC, five pilots and two Load Masters (graduates responsible for the cargo on board the aircraft) performed their training in this type of operation, and another four pilots, two flight mechanics and three Load Masters performed their Operational Maintenance.

Major Aviator Glaucio Garcia Gomes, Chief of the Operations Section of the Arara Squadron, highlighted the importance of the training for the preparation of the teams and the use of the vector. “The knowledge acquired during this stage will be used during the maximum effort landing phase with the use of NVGs, which will take place at the end of June. Such training ensures the Squadron’s capacity to perform air infiltration and exfiltration missions, as well as aerial resupply in hostile environments at night,” he said.

The Arara Squadron Instructor, Lieutenant Aviator Leonel de Azevedo Neto, reinforced the importance of the Exercise, considering the Squadron’s performance in the Amazon region. “The training provided the crews with the necessary preparation for operations regardless of the time of day, increasing the necessary readiness for missions in this critical scenario, which is the Amazon,” he concluded.

Photos: Macaw Squadron

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