Dígitro presents Guardião Platform for intelligence and investigation at the 2ndMeeting of Civil Police ManagersDígitro presents Guardião Platform for intelligence and investigation at the 2ndMeeting of Civil Police Managers

The 2nd National Technology and Intelligence Meeting for Civil Police Leaders and Managers kicked off this Monday in Florianópolis, bringing together Chiefs of Police from the 27 states and the Federal District, State Intelligence Chiefs and IT Managers, with the aim of promoting a debate on the challenges faced by the Civil Police and the role of technology and intelligence in developing solutions.

One of the highlights of the first day was the lecture on Technologies for Public Security given by Octávio Carradore, Director of Market Relations at Dígitro Tecnologia, a company from Santa Catarina certified by the Ministry of Defense and creator of the Guardião Platform for investigative intelligence, which processes data from various intelligence sources amid a large volume of information to generate legal evidence that contributes to the positive outcome of investigations.

According to Carradore, the use of technology in investigative intelligence is aimed primarily at the main objective of evolving and speeding up the work of police forces across the country, through secure resources to investigate, interpret and generate more qualified and auditable evidence. and auditable evidence. “As a Strategic Defense Company, we seek to keep ourselves constant updating, as agile as technological evolution, in order to we know how to use the best resources, with the best performance in public security”, he concludes.

The event will continue until Thursday 14th, with working groups and thematic discussions for the discussions for the participating authorities and professionals.

Dígitro Tecnologia is a 100% Brazilian-owned company and a pioneer in the innovation market in Brazil. Headquartered in Florianópolis, it operates in several South American countries.

With a focus on developing technologies for Smart Cities, Customer Journey, Intelligence and Defense, it has Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, as well as an on premise portfolio used by Brazilian and international organizations.

The company is a leader in the Public Security sector and has made important contributions to National Defense as a Strategic Defense Company (EED), certified by the Ministry of Defense.


The police are, in Brazil, state bodies whose constitutional purpose is to preserve public order, protect people and property, and carry out the investigation and repression of crimes, as well as controlling violence. Article 144 of the 1988 Federal Constitution establishes that public security, which is the duty of the state and the right and responsibility of all, is exercised through the following bodies: 1) the Federal Police; 2) the Federal Highway Police; 3) the Federal Railway Police; 4) the Civil Police; 5) the Military Police and the Military Fire Brigade.

Civil Police (PC)

The main function of the Civil Police is criminal investigation. They are responsible for drawing up police reports and looking for evidence and clues to help solve crimes committed in their territory. They try to investigate and solve crimes after they have been reported and this is one of the main differences between the Civil and Military Police. The Civil Police usually act knowing what crime they are working on, while the Military Police seek to prevent a crime from taking place, or to observe it urgently, preventing it from occurring or succeeding.

Military Police (PM)

The Military Police (Brigada Militar in RS) are the ones who are present on a day-to-day basis, taking direct care of the safety of the population – preserving public order. It is the police force responsible for what is known as ostentatious policing, meaning that it serves to curb crime immediately, reprimanding it by its presence and coercive potential.

This explains one of the main differences between the Civil and Military Police. While the Civil Police is a more investigative force, the Military Police is dedicated to immediate and emergency surveillance and repression of criminal or illegal acts. If, after a robbery, the police report must be filed with the Civil Police, immediately after or during the robbery, it is the responsibility of the Military Police.

Federal Police (PF)

The Federal Police deals with matters of federal public order. It fights crimes that affect the whole country, such as drug trafficking and smuggling, also issues passports and even investigates crimes that cause damage to the Union’s assets and resources, such as corruption.

The Federal Police serve the interests of the state at federal level, reporting to the Minister of Justice. It has a mixed function of maintaining immediate order (as in the case of action at borders and customs) and investigation (as in investigations into economic crimes and corruption), and requires a unique elucidation for a good understanding of its scope.

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