DCTA hosts French Flight Test SchoolDCTA hosts French Flight Test School

French pilots visit the Institute for Flight Research and Testing

IPEV, by Lieutenant-Colonel Cantaluppi and Lieutenant-Colonel Marize Torres

The Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA) received, between June 5 and 16, the French Flight Test School (EPNER – École du Personnel Navigant d’Essais et de Réceptio), which visited, in particular, the Institute of Research and Flight Tests (IPEV). The visit is part of a bilateral agreement between Brazil and France, in which pilots, engineers, students and instructors exchange experiences between countries in order to exchange and update knowledge related to flight testing activities.

The specific purpose of the Institute’s visit was to perform the final course completion work of its students, which consisted in the evaluation of an aircraft that had never flown before. Performed in IPEV’s Embraer Phenom U-100 aircraft, during six hours of flight, the foreign students performed maneuvers and evaluations under the supervision of Brazilian pilots and engineers.

“The exchange between the schools is of great importance for the training of flight test students, since they are evaluated by instructors from other countries,” said the Head of the Flight Test Training School, Lieutenant Colonel Alexandre Cantaluppi Silvestri de Freitas.

In addition, secondary evaluations were conducted on IPEV’s C-95 Bandeirante aircraft and external C-98 Caravan and IU-50 Legacy aircraft, with the support respectively of the Aeronautical Specialists School (EEAR) and the Special Group of Flight Inspection (GEIV).

Photos: Private Lima / IFI

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