Marinha participa do 25° Simpósio Internacional do Poder MarítimoMarinha participa do 25° Simpósio Internacional do Poder Marítimo

Purpose of the event is to promote maritime cooperation at regional and global level

By Agência Marinha de Notícias – Brasília, DF

From September 19 to 22, the Brazilian Navy (MB), represented by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral José Augusto Vieira da Cunha de Menezes, participated in the 25th International Sea Power Symposium (ISS), which took place at the facilities of the Naval War College of the United States Navy (U.S. Navy), located in the city of Newport – Rhode Island.

With the aim of promoting maritime cooperation at a regional and global level, the ISS has been held every two years since 1969. It is the world’s leading conference on maritime power and the U.S. Navy Commander’s most important political-military event, being the global forum that brings together the largest number of naval leaders in one place.

This year’s theme was “Security through Partnership”, which emphasized the importance of alliances and solid partnerships in confronting current threats such as piracy, illegal exploitation of natural resources and smuggling. In this context, Admiral Cunha, during several bilateral meetings, had the opportunity to reinforce the importance of the South Atlantic Zone of Peace and Cooperation, reaffirming the leading role of Brazil and the MB in this region.

Among the panels held, MB was invited to take part in the one dealing with personnel, especially squares. The Chief of Staff presented various aspects ranging from recruitment to the tools used to motivate and retain our personnel, highlighting the Chief Petty Officer Program, which over the years has been training older officers to fully exercise leadership.

“These senior officers have proven to be essential assets in assessing the needs and expectations of our crews and advising commanders in their decision-making processes, especially with regard to morale, well-being and professional fulfillment. The Brazilian Navy continues to invest in this program, convinced that training leaders is fundamental to improving the functioning of the institution,” said Admiral Cunha.

*** Translated by DEFCONPress FYI Team ***

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