Goal is to identify opportunities for digital transformation in the various activities of personnel administration
Air Force Agency – Lieutenant Paraguassú and Lieutenant Fernanda Pereira And Major Oliveira Lima
The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) held, on November 18, at the headquarters of the Directorate of Personnel Administration (DIRAP), in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), the formalization ceremony of the technical cooperation agreement between the Social Security Information and Technology Company (Dataprev) and the Air Force Command (COMAER). The partnership, an initiative of the General Staff Command (COMGEP), through the DIRAP, will enable several administrative procedures that are currently performed manually to become digital and automated.
The agreement was signed by the Director of Personnel Administration, Air Major Brigadier Fernando César da Costa e Silva Braga, on behalf of the Commander of the Air Force, Air Lieutenant Brigadier Carlos de Almeida Baptista Junior, by delegation of authority, and by the Substitute President of Dataprev, Gilmar Souza de Queiroz, on behalf of the President of Dataprev, Gustavo Canuto.
One of the main benefits of the integration of the Dataprev and COMAER systems will be the automation of the Intelligent Life Proofing and disengagement processes of the FAB’s unpaid reserve military personnel. For DIRAP, this connection represents a reduction in administrative procedures, while for the personnel, it will ensure greater agility and convenience in answering requests. According to the Director of Personnel Administration, Major Brigadier Braga, the partnership is the first step in a journey that will bring DIRAP and the Air Force Command together in digital transformation initiatives in the military environment. “The choice of Dataprev was not by chance. The institution is one of the largest technology companies in Brazil and will help us, in a safe and qualified way, in data analysis, government information processing, and also in the development of products and services for our military, civil servants, and pensioners, with a focus on human support. It is with pride and joy that today we materialize this partnership. I am sure that the cooperation will only tend to grow and enhance both institutions”, he highlighted.
The systems connection will also make it possible to cross-reference data with the Federal Government’s Gov.br portal, eliminating the exclusive dependence on the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS), thus reducing the risk of information failures and the delay in synchronization. The integration will facilitate several processes, among them the proof of disengagement that are required for: the occupation of public positions; the counting of time of service or contribution for retirement purposes in the INSS; and the receipt of benefits such as salary bonuses, emergency aid, and others.
According to Dataprev’s Substitute President, Gilmar Queiroz, the signing of the agreement is aligned with Dataprev’s goal of carrying out the digital transformation in public administration. “The agreement allows Dataprev to integrate information into the context of labor, social security and welfare policies, benefiting Aeronautics employees. The company’s entire structure must be available to the government and public entities. I congratulate the Aeronautics Command, which is pioneering this partnership and I am sure that this is the beginning of a productive relationship,” he said.
The event was chaired by the Director of Administration of the Air Force, Major Brigadier Mauro Fernando Costa Marra, and was attended by General Officers from Rio de Janeiro, Deputy Directors of DIRAP, and guests.
Dataprev is a public company, which provides Information Technology and Communication solutions for the improvement and execution of social policies of the Brazilian State. It has become a quality reference in the processing and treatment of large volumes of data. It stores and manages, for example, the National Social Information Registry (CNIS), which allows the automatic granting of various social rights, such as retirements or maternity pay.
Photos: Sergeant Rocha (ACS DIRAP) and Civilian Luiz Eduardo Perez (ASCOM DECEA). *** Translated by the DEFCONPress FYI TEAM ***