Free online event brings together experts to debate the emerging technologies that are transforming people’s lives and business models
Atech, an Embraer Group company, has opened registration for the 8th Atech Forum, which will be held November 21-23, 100% online and free of charge. With the theme “The Future is Here – And Now? Connecting People, Technology and Innovation”, the event will bring together civilian and military specialists to share experiences and debate the emerging technologies that are transforming people’s lives and business models.
Registration can be made at this link:
During the three days of the Forum, four panels will be held, with the participation of 15 panelists. There will be about ten hours of debates about how technologies can be used for development and social well-being, how they can be shared, and their power to connect and transform.
The keynote speaker of this edition is Prof. Ricardo Yogui, who will address the theme “The Future is Here! The importance of connections between people, technology, and innovation”. Author of the Innovation Framework©, Prof. Yogui is internationally recognized for his work in integrating the Innovation Ecosystem, aiming at sustainable impacts on business, industry, and society.
The 8th Atech Forum panels will have the following themes: Smart Cities – A journey towards sustainability (Panel 1), A comprehensive overview of the Brazilian air traffic automation (Panel 2), Trends and Perspectives in Agribusiness – Connecting technology, people and the field (Panel 3), and Emerging Technologies: From Emergence to the Present Day and How They Will Increasingly Impact the Future (Panel 4).
-> The complete program and the participants’ profiles are available on the 8th Atech Forum website.