Operation Shield results in seizures in the AmazonOperation Shield results in seizures in the Amazon

Estirão do Equador (AM) – The Solimões Border Command/8th Jungle Infantry Battalion seized weapons, ammunition, fish and illegal game in the first weeks of 2024. The actions are part of Operation Shield, which is ongoing throughout the year on the Amazon Military Command’s border strip. Its aim is to help combat various illegal activities, such as drug trafficking and environmental crimes.

The most recent seizure took place on January 11, in the Javari River Valley, in the region of the 4th Special Border Platoon. During a search of boats traveling along the river, a boat was identified with weapons and hunting ammunition (16-gauge). The materials were being transported illegally.

Since the beginning of the year, the Special Border Platoons have seized more than half a ton of illegal fish. In one of the actions carried out by the 4th Special Border Platoon, a large quantity of pirarucu and surubim was seized. Both species are in the closed season, in which hunting, gathering and commercial and sport fishing activities are prohibited or controlled in order to preserve the species and make sustainable use of natural resources.

In all, almost 200 kilos of fish and approximately 400 kilos of game were seized, as well as turtles and tortoises.

The seized materials were handed over to the Federal Police in Tabatinga (AM). The fish, on the other hand, was donated to local communities after being checked for quality by the Platoon’s Health Section.

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