Excellence in training: Military authorities visit EXCON Tápio 2023Excellence in training: Military authorities visit EXCON Tápio 2023

Authorities emphasized the importance of joint preparation for the mission of the Brazilian Armed Forces

Air Force Agency, by Lieutenant Eniele Santos

Joint Exercise Tápio 2023 is underway at Campo Grande Air Base (BACG), bringing to the fore the demonstration of readiness and cooperation of the Brazilian Armed Forces. During the second week of activities, called ‘Rescue’, the Commander of the Air Force, Air Brigadier General Marcelo Kanitz Damasceno, the Military Commander of the West, Army General Luiz Fernando Estorilho Baganha, and the Commander of Preparedness, Air Brigadier General Sérgio Roberto de Almeida, visited the scenario where various military actions of EXCON Tápio 2023 are taking place.

Upon arriving in Campo Grande, the soldiers took part in a presentation given by the Commander of the BACG, Air Brigadier Eric Breviglieri, on the concepts, objectives and actions carried out during the exercise. The Preparedness Commander’s presence reinforced the importance of this joint training, which aims to improve and level the knowledge of more than 700 Brazilian and foreign military personnel. 

“Synergy and communication are crucial elements for success in any joint operation. EXCON Tápio 2023 offers a unique platform to hone these skills and strengthen the bonds of cooperation between the Navy, Army and Air Force. Many missions involve the participation of military personnel from the three forces, such as those that take place with the Advanced Air Guide. Therefore, this interoperability is fundamental,” emphasized Lieutenant Brigadier Almeida. 

The delegation was able to follow all the actions carried out in the Scenario Cell, an operations center that controls the entire exercise and presents a dynamic, realistic and structured perspective showing the military’s performance in real training activities.

As part of the delegation, the Western Military Commander, General Baganha, highlighted the fact that exercises like this are a unique opportunity to jointly train the use of the Armed Forces’ actions. “In the modern, highly volatile, technological and informational scenario, we can’t do without all the Armed Forces acting in an integrated manner. And we can only achieve this mutual knowledge by carrying out exercises of this nature,” he concluded.  

Rescue phase

In the second week, the activities of Joint Exercise Tápio 2023 were developed for the Rescue phase. The teams played a key role in rescuing and recovering soldiers in dangerous situations. This strategic phase focused efforts on ensuring the safety of combatants and getting them back to base in an effective and protected manner. Thus, adverse situations were simulated with the intention of training them to act in areas of conflict and real operations. 

Photos: Sergeant Müller Marin/ CECOMSAER – Video: Sergeant André Souza/ CECOMSAER

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